

Ljubica Pilepić Stifanich – Sveučilište u Rijeci, Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu, Primorska 42, p.p.97, 51410 Opatija,

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31410/EMAN.2020.411

4th International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2020 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Online/Virtual, September 3, 2020, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-80194-30-1, ISSN 2683-4510


Cilj ovoga rada je istražiti jednu relativno mladu tehnologiju, koja će po svim pokazateljima
postati temelj svih sigurnosnih aplikacija u svijetu u budućnosti. Budući da živimo u brzorastućem, informacijskom
i digitalnom dobu gdje se svakoga dana razvijaju nove tehnologije, prikazati će se i detaljno analizirati
neke biometrijske metode i tehnike koje su danas u upotrebi s posebnim naglaskom na sektor turizma
i hotelijerstva. Radi se o primjeni sustava za identifikaciju lica u turizmu s posebnim osvrtom na biometrijsku
provjeru putnika u zračnim lukama, mogućnostima biometrijskog plaćanja otiskom prsta, efikasnijem
upravljanju osobljem u području vođenja evidencije radnog vremena i kontroli pristupa. Biometrijska tehnologija
tom sektoru nudi mogućnost da se izdigne iznad tradicionalnih koncepata u poboljšanju sigurnosti
i cjelokupnog iskustva gostiju. Hoteli na taj način mogu poboljšati sustav upravljanja, a gostima se nudi
najviši nivo komfora i pogodnosti. U radu se istražuju mogućnosti, snage i slabosti biometrije te utjecaj
biometrije na čovjeka koji je u izravnoj interakciji s njom. Koliko su zapravo pouzdani biometrijski sustavi,
štite li našu privatnost i ljudska prava samo su neka od pitanja na koja ovaj rad pokušava iznaći odgovore.

Ključne riječi:

biometrija, autentifikacija, sigurnost, privatnost, turizam, hotelijerstvo.


This paper aims to investigate in-depth a relatively young technology, one that by all indications
is likely to become the basis of all security applications in the world in the future. As we live in a fast-growing
information and digital age, where each day sees the development of new technologies, the paper also
closely analyses some biometrical methods and techniques used today, with special emphasis on the tourism
and hospitality sector. Explored is the application of facial recognition systems in tourism, with special reference
to the biometric monitoring of travelers in airports, fingerprint-based biometric payment systems,
and more effective personnel management with regard to recording working hours and access control. Biometrics
technology enables the tourism and hospitality sector to rise above traditional concepts in improving
the security and overall experiences of guests. In this way, hotels are able to improve their management
systems while guests are provided with the highest levels of comfort and convenience. The paper explores
the opportunities, strengths and weaknesses of biometrics together with the impact of this technology on
people directly interacting with it. Just how reliable are biometric systems and do they protect our privacy
and human rights are only some of the questions this paper seeks to answer.


biometrics, authentication, security, privacy, tourism, hospitality.


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