Luka Samaržija – Ekonomski fakultet Rijeka, Ivana Filipovića 4, Rijeka, Hrvatska


4th International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2020 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Online/Virtual, September 3, 2020, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-80194-30-1, ISSN 2683-4510


U radu su analizirane prednosti koje poduzeća mogu ostvariti stupanjem u klastere, uzevši
u obzir povijesni kontekst klastera. Analizom je utvrđeno da se prednosti mogu klasificirati na tradicionalne
i suvremene. Tradicionalne konkurentske prednosti karakteristične su za vrijeme kada su se
klasteri primarno formulirali unutar određenih geografskih područja i kada su prednosti proizlazile
iz neposrede blizine članica klastera. Suvremene prednosti proizlaze iz procesne povezanosti članica
unutar klastera, te je prostorna dimenzija klastera izgubila na značaju iako su prostorno klasteri i dalje
smješteni u unutar granica pojedinih regija. Procesna povezanost implicira postojanje opskrbnog
lanca unutar klastera što znači da su uspostavljeni jedinstveni tokovi materijala, informacija i financija
između članica klastera. Uspostavljanjem jedinstvenih tokova realiziraju se suvremene prednosti klastera
u koje se ubrajaju ekonomija obujma, inovacije i fleksibilna specijalizacija.

Ključne riječi:

Klasteri, Tradicionalne prednosti, Suvremene prednosti, Inovacija.


The paper analyzes the advantages that companies can achieve by joining clusters, taking
into account the historical context of the cluster. The analysis found that the benefits can be classified
into traditional and contemporary. Traditional competitive advantages are characteristic at a time
when clusters were primarily formulated within certain geographical areas and when advantages arose
from the close proximity of cluster members. Modern advantages arise from the process connection of
members within the cluster, and the spatial dimension of the cluster has lost its importance, although
the spatial clusters are still located within the borders of individual regions. Process connectivity implies
the existence of a supply chain within a cluster which means that unique flows of materials, information
and finances are established between cluster members. By establishing unique flows, the
modern advantages of clusters are realized, which include economies of scale, innovations and flexible


Clusters, Traditional advantages, Modern advantages, Innovation.


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