
Todorka Kineva
Department of Economic Sociology, University of National and World Economy, Bulgaria, 1700, Sofia, Student Town, Hristo Botev

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31410/EMAN.2019.271
3rd International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2019 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Ljubljana – Slovenia, March 28, 2019, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; Faculty of Management Koper, Slovenia; Doba Business School – Maribor, Slovenia; Integrated Business Faculty –  Skopje, Macedonia; Faculty of Management – Zajecar, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-80194-17-2, ISSN 2683-4510


The collision between family life and work represents a perpetual conflict zone in Bulgarian society; it is also an object of scholarly interest for researchers in different fields, including sociology. The article emphasizes three thematic aspects of the problem: the impacts of work on personal and family life, the impacts of personal and family life on work, and the degree of satisfaction of Bulgarians with the time they devote to work and to their personal lives. In order to study the continuous two-way interaction between the family (as a personal, intimate environment) and work (work and professional life as a field of public interrelations and interactions), the author has conducted secondary analysis of data from the Fifth Wave of the European Social Survey (Bulgaria). General conclusions are drawn, and recommendations are made as to regulating conflictive interaction in the family-work relationship.


collision, family, work.


[1] The study is a national sample survey conducted in 2011 (127 interviews taken in December 2010, and 2,307 in January-March 2011). Conducted using personal standardized interview questionnaires, it encompassed 2,434 persons aged above 15 years. The secondary analysis conducted here is based on a reduced sample including only economically active persons, for whom it is hypothetically assumed they perform various professional and family roles. The size of the sample is 1,656 persons (770 men and 886 women) aged 18-64. This reduction of the sample was made in view of the age of legal labor activity in Bulgaria and the right to retirement, in accordance with Art. 68, par. 1 and 2 of the Social Insurance Code.
[2] National Strategy for the Demographic Development of the Population of the Republic of Bulgaria (2012-2030) updated, p. 93.
[3] Kineva, T. The Contemporary Bulgarian Woman and the Family-Work Collision. In: Scientific Works of UNWE – Vol. 2-3/2015, part 2. UNWE Publishers, Sofia, 2015, p. 213- 248; Sotirova, M., Ivanova, V. Problems and Policies for Balancing Family-life and Work. A Study Using the Costs-Benefit Method on the Economic Effects of Measures for Combining Professional and Family Duties. CNSB, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Bulgarian Office, 2012.
[4] We do not claim the problem does not apply to Bulgarian men, but we believe it appears in
more moderate forms, and is basically less strongly expressed, among them.
[5] NSI. Employment and Unemployment – Annual Data 2017. S., 2018, p. 24
[6] NSI. A Study of the Time Budget of the Population in the Period 2009-2010. Accessible at: https://www.nsi.bg/sites/default/files/files/pressreleases/TUS2009_2010.pdf (02.03.2019)
[7] Stoyanov, K. Kirova, A. Gender Inequalities in Paid and Unpaid Labour in Bulgaria. Academic Publishers Prof. Marin Drinov, S., 2008, p. 36-38
[8] Stoyanova, M. Man in economy – sociological view study. // SocioBrains – International Scientific Online Journal, Issue 31, March, 2017, p. 57-63.
[9] European Parliament. 2017/0085(COD), Work-life balance for parents and carers. Accessible at: https://oeil.secure.europarl.europa.eu/oeil/popups/ficheprocedure.do?lang=en&reference=2017/0085%28COD%29 (02.03.2019)
[10] Kovacheva, S. Work-Family Balance. Young Working Parents between Possibilities and Limitations. Iztok-Zapad Publishers, S., 2010, p. 363.
[11] The concept of “flexicurity” has been supported by various researchers in the field of labor relations, who emphasize providing flexible employment in order to ensure social security. See Sotirova, M. Flexible Systems of Employment and Deregulation of the Labor Market. Contemporary Trends and Expected Challenges. University Publishers Paissiy Hilendarski, P., 2007, p. 71-75

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