Influence of Work Climate on Employee Satisfaction
Mirjana Nedović – Veleučilište „Lavoslav Ružička u Vukovaru“, Županijska 50, 32000 Vukovar, Hrvatska
Tatjana Andraković – Srednja ekonomska škola, Dr. Franje Tuđmana 2, 31550 Valpovo, Hrvatska
Ključne riječi:
Zadovoljstvo zaposlenika;
Radna klima;
Organizacijska kultura;
Employee satisfaction;
Work climate;
Organizational culture;
Sažetak: Radna klima na radnom mjestu utječe na ponašanje zaposlenika. Pozitivna radna klima djeluje motivirajuće i pridonosi ostvarivanju postavljenih ciljeva poduzeća i obratno, loša radna klima djeluje demotivirajuće za zaposlenika čime se smanjuje njihova radna perfomanca. Stoga, radno okruženje je izazov menadžmentu koji treba pronaći odgovarajuće alate i primjenjivati motivacijske tehnike s kojima će unaprjeđivati radnu klimu i promicati organizacijsku kulturu. Cilj rada je spoznati razinu zadovoljstva zaposlenika radom klimom i uvjetima poslovanja, te identificirati eventualno negativne čimbenike koje utječu na zaposlenike. U radu se analiziraju rezultati provedenog istraživanja putem anketnog upitnika na 36 ispitanika i njihovom stavu u odnosu na radnu okolinu. U radu su korištene znanstvene metode analize, sinteze i deskripcije kao i istraživačka metoda anketiranja. Rezultati istraživanja bit će koristan alat menadžmentu u identifikaciji svih čimbenika koji unazađuju pozitivnu radnu klimu kao i identifikaciju onih čimbenika koji se trebaju njegovati i razvijati, jer stvaraju zadovoljstvo zaposlenika i pozitivan stav u poslu.
Abstract: The work climate in the workplace affects the behaviour of employees. A positive working climate is stimulating and contributes to the achievement of the company’s goals, and vice versa, in the case when a bad working climate begins to be demotivating for employees, it reduces their work performances. Consequently, the working environment represents a challenge for its management, which needs to find appropriate tools and apply motivational techniques which will improve the work climate and promote organizational culture. This work aims to find out the level of employee satisfaction within the work climate and business conditions and to identify possibly negative factors that affect employees. This paper analyses the results of the research that was carried out employing a questionnaire on 36 respondents and their attitude towards the working environment. In the paper were applied scientific methods of analysis, along with the surveying research method. The results of the research will be a useful tool for the management when identifying all the factors that hinder a positive work climate, as well as for the identification of those factors that need to be fostered and developed because they create employee satisfaction and their positive attitude towards work.

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7th International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2023 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Ljubljana, Slovenia, March 23, 2023, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-80194-69-1, ISSN 2683-4510, DOI:
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