The Influence of Experienced Entrepreneurial Self-Efficiency on the Tendency to Apply Effective Logic

Marina Stanić –Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku, Trg Lj. Gaja 7, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska

Ana Jakopec – Filozofski fakultet u Osijeku, Ul. Lorenza Jagera 10, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska

Sara Delač Marković –Infobip d.o.o., Istarska 157, 52215 Vodnjan, Hrvatska 

Ključne riječi:

Decision making;


Sažetak: Efektualna logika predstavlja način promišljanja i donošenja od­luka karakterističan za poduzetnike eksperte koji odluke donose najčešće u uvjetima visoke razine neizvjesnosti. Sklonost primjene efektualne logi­ke vezana je uz percepciju kontrole nad određenom situacijom i ishodima iste, dok je percepcija kontrole usko vezana uz doživljaj samoefikasnosti. Cilj istraživanja je testirati pretpostavku kako će pojedinac koji vjeruje u svoje sposobnosti potrebne da izvrši određeni zadatak (visoka razina samoefika­snosti), imati snažniji osjećaj kontrole nad događajima i biti skloniji primjeni efektualne logike u donošenju odluka.

Istraživanje je obuhvatilo eksperimentalni dizajn, a podaci su prikuplje­ni na uzorku studenata ekonomskog fakulteta kao predstavnika populaci­je potencijalnih poduzetnika. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako je skupi­na ispitanika s induciranim višim doživljajem poduzetničke samoefikasno­sti sklonija primijeniti efektualnu logiku pri donošenju odluka u hipotet­skim poslovnim situacijama u odnosu na skupinu sudionika s induciranim niskim doživljajem poduzetničke samoefikasnosti i kontrolnom skupinom ispitanika.

Abstract: Effective logic is a way of thinking and making decisions charac­teristic of expert entrepreneurs who make decisions most often under con­ditions of high uncertainty. The tendency to apply effectual logic is related to the perception of control over a certain situation and its outcomes, while the perception of control is closely related to the experience of self-efficacy. The goal of the research is to test the assumption that an individual who be­lieves in his abilities to perform a certain task (high level of self-efficacy), will have a stronger sense of control over events and will be more inclined to ap­ply effectual logic in decision-making.

The research included an experimental design, and the data were collect­ed from a sample of students of the Faculty of Economics as representa­tives of the population of potential entrepreneurs. The research results show that the group of respondents with an induced higher perception of entre­preneurial self-efficacy is more inclined to apply effective logic when mak­ing decisions in hypothetical business situations compared to the group of participants with an induced low perception of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and the control group of respondents.

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7th International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2023 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Ljubljana, Slovenia, March 23, 2023, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-80194-69-1, ISSN 2683-4510, DOI:

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Suggested citation
Stanić, M., Jakopec, A., & Delač Marković, S. (2023). Utjecaj doživljene poduzetničke samoefikasnosti na sklonost primjene efektualne logike. In V. Bevanda (Ed.), International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2023: Vol 7. Conference Proceedings (pp. 371-377). Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans.


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