The Influence of Personal Money Remittances on the Improvement of the Social Condition of the Population and the Economy of the Recipient Countries

Rade Kovač –Ministarstvo sigurnosti BiH, Služba za poslove sa strancima, BiH

Namik Čolaković – Univerzitet u Travniku, Fakultet za menadžment i poslovnu ekonomiju, BiH

Ključne riječi:
Transformacija lokalnih
Ekonomski razlozi iseljavanja

Transformation of local
Economic reasons for


Sažetak: Novčane doznake su novi finansijski fenomen i jedan od važnih izvora prihoda zemalja sa niskim i srednjim dohotkom. Iako su pojedinač­ne novčane doznake relativno male vrijednosti, one zajedno predstavljaju ogromnu vrijednost, jer su zbirno ti tokovi tri puta veći od globalne službe­ne razvojne pomoći. Iako se najčešće koriste za pokrivanje osnovnih potre­ba domaćinstava, one istovremeno u dijelu domaćinstava podržavaju ra­zvoj vještina i mogućnosti kroz obrazovanje i preduzetništvo i upravo ti re­sursi su se pokazali ključnim za transformaciju lokalnih zajednica, jer omo­gućavaju mnogim porodicama postizanje vlastitih ciljeva održivog razvoja. Zemlje Jugoistočne Evrope se godinama suočavaju s velikim stopama ise­ljavanja i to je preraslo u kontinuiran proces, čiji je glavni uzrok ekonomske prirode. Iako iseljavanje u dugoročnom kontekstu ima negativne reperkusi­je, jer dugoročno djeluje na smanjivanje potencijalne stope rasta BDP i uku­pne faktorske produktivnosti, a penzioni i zdravstveni fond se dovodi do ko­lapsa; postoje i neki pozitivni efekti, kratkoročnog karaktera, gdje se naroči­to ističe prijem personalnih novčanih doznaka. Upravo su doznake dijelom doprinijele smanjenju stope siromaštva, ali isto tako i amortizovale nepo­voljne efekte vanjskotrgovinske razmjene.

Abstract: Remittances are a new financial phenomenon and one of the im­portant sources of income for low- and middle-income countries. Although individual remittances are of relatively small value, they collectively repre­sent enormous value, as collectively these flows are three times larger than global official development assistance. Although they are most often used to cover the basic needs of households, at the same time they support the development of skills and opportunities through education and entrepre­neurship in some households, and these resources have proven to be cru­cial for the transformation of local communities, as they enable many fam­ilies to achieve their own sustainable development goals. The countries of Southeast Europe have been facing large rates of emigration for years, and this has turned into a continuous process, the main cause of which is eco­nomic. Although emigration in the long-term context has negative reper­cussions, because in the long-term it reduces the potential growth rate of GDP and total factor productivity, and the pension and health fund collaps­es, there are also some positive effects, of a short-term nature, where the receipt of personal remittances stands out in particular. It was remittances that partly contributed to the reduction of the poverty rate, but also amor­tized the unfavorable effects of foreign trade exchange

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7th International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2023 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Ljubljana, Slovenia, March 23, 2023, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-80194-69-1, ISSN 2683-4510, DOI:

Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 License ( which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission. 

Suggested citation
Kovač, R., & Čolaković, N. (2023). Uticaj personalnih novčanih doznaka na poboljšanje socijalnog stanja stanovništva i privrede zemalja primalaca. In V. Bevanda (Ed.), International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2023: Vol 7. Conference Proceedings (pp. 331-340). Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans.


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