Biljana Grgurović – Academy of Technical and Art Applied Studies Belgrade, Department School of Information and Communication Technologies, Zdravka Čelara 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

Slavica Radosavljević – Academy of Technical and Art Applied Studies Belgrade, Department School of Information and Communication Technologies, Zdravka Čelara 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

Stevan Veličković – Academy of Technical and Art Applied Studies Belgrade, Department School of Information and Communication Technologies, Zdravka Čelara 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

Jelena Milutinović – Academy of Technical and Art Applied Studies Belgrade, Department School of Information and Communication Technologies, Zdravka Čelara 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

Consolidation centers;
Transport networks;


Abstract: Developed postal offices have been investing in new technolo­gies for years, mainly insisting on achieving a certain level of adaptability. The emphasis has been moved from processing automatization to the anal­ysis of changes, both in terms of the volume of mail and the needs of con­sumers. One consequence of such thinking is improved accessibility of deliv­ery services. As a rule of thumb, in every larger urban territory, with the goal of satisfying consumer demand, there are multiple facilities or self-service stations whose main goal is to deliver smaller or larger quantities of goods. If we view these locations as nodes between which there are transport net­works, then the existing knowledge in the area of transport networks can be used to further improve the operations of postal operators.

Beyond the idea of the most economical business solution, postal oper­ators are also limited by the number of available vehicles, their capacity, deadlines for certain tasks, and other similar factors. This paper demon­strates how certain algorithms and findings in the sphere of transport net­works can be adequately used in this area, too, as well as the limitations that should be taken into account.

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8th International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2024 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Rome, Italy, March 21, 2024, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-80194-83-7, ISSN 2683-4510, DOI:

Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 License ( which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission. 

Suggested citation
Grgurović, B., Radosavljević, S., Veličković, S., & Milutinović, J. (2024). Solving the Issue of Connecting Mini Consolidation Centers in the City Territory. In C. A. Nastase, A. Monda, & R. Dias (Eds.), International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2024: Vol 8. Conference Proceedings (pp. 399-405). Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans.


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