
Marija Marčetić – Akademija strukovnih studija Leskovac, Srbija
Bojan Kocić – Akademija strukovnih studija Leskovac, Srbija
Nikola Vasić – Beogradska akademija poslovnih i umetničkih strukovnih studija, Srbija
Gordana Prlinčević – Akademija strukovnih studija Leskovac, Srbija

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31410/EMAN.2022.213

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6th International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2022 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Ljubljana, Slovenia, March 24, 2022, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-80194-57-8, ISSN 2683-4510


The freight-forwarding market is at a tipping point because of the pandemic which dictates a new narrative in business with the changes companies have gone through in all sec­tors. Covid-19 initiated freight-forwarding, logisticians and customs officers to re-assess their strategy and realization of supply chains in line with new technology and digitalization. Intro­ducing digital solutions will be the focus of every part of the supply chain as it will increase the quality of their services and so secure an adequate level of competitiveness in the market. Digital trends surpass traditional business with ease in hopes of clearing existing logistical bottlenecks. Automation of business services, various applications and platforms offers value to all partici­pants in logistical achievements by decreasing cost. One benefit is the personalization of logisti­cal and freight-forwarding services through the creation and processing of data. This work con­siders how customs officers and forwarders tackle digital transformation. Digital transforma­tion in the freight-forwarding branch occurs on three levels. The first level is the new digital strat­egy of the FIATA freight-forwarding association for creating individual electronic documents. The second level encompasses different initiatives (IATA One Record, FEDeRATED, FENIKS, or IPC­SA NoTN) to further connect existing systems, allowing supply chain participants to exchange information and still maintain control over their information. The third level represents the dig­italization of the freight-forwarding companies themselves by introducing new software solu­tions. Customs systems advance at their own pace towards digitalization. Accessible, safe, inte­grated, interoperable electronic customs systems have eased electronic customs formalities to ease logistics in the supply chain when moving goods into/out of the EU. Compatible IT customs systems are built following international standards in terms of data sets which allows interac­tion with customs systems between countries.


Shipping; E-customs; Logistics; Digitalization; FIATA


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