Sandra Lovrenčić is Full-Time Professor and Vice-Dean for education and students at the Faculty of organization and informatics in Varaždin, University of Zagreb, Croatia.
She holds Master and PhD degrees in Information Science. Her main research interest is knowledge representation and reasoning in the fields of formal logic and ontologies, as well as knowledge management in general. She teaches courses in knowledge management, knowledge modelling – formal logic, knowledge bases, business rules, as well as course in artificiall intelligence for business applications.
She is active in work on problems of education in her fields of interest and serves as a member in Education Committee of The International Association for Ontology and its Applications.
She has published over forty scientific and professional papers and has worked on various scientific and professional projects.
Also, she is active in humanitarian work in local community, actively participates in Alumni association AMAC-FOI and is head of Center for volunteering and humanitarian work at her Faculty.