Solutions from Nature as a Challenge and Opportunity for Dorssen Business

Robert Harb – Visoka šola na PTUJU, Slovenia
Maja Harb –
Študentka EF LJ, Slovenia
Darja Harb –
Visoka šola na PTUJU, Slovenia

Ključne besede:
Kolektivna inteligenca –
inteligenca roja;
Izboljšanje organizacijske
strukture v podjetju Dorssen

Collective intelligence –
swarm intelligence;
Improvement of the
organizational structure in
the Dorssen company


Izvleček: Osnovna značilnost bionike je interdisciplinarnost. Narava je da­leč najuspešnejši arhitekt in konstruktor. V končni fazi je le-ta naredila člove­ka, ki je najbolj zapleten sistem, kar jih poznamo. V preteklosti so tradicional­ne organizacije temeljile na hierarhiji in odločanje je bilo v rokah tistih, ki so bili na hierarhični lestvici uvrščeni višje. Sodobne organizacije se danes soo­čajo s številnimi različnimi situacijami, ki so posledica globalizacije in spre­minjajočega se okolja in zaradi tega postajajo mnogo bolj sploščene. V vsaki organizaciji je najpomembnejše, da vemo, kdo ima glavno besedo, kdo ima največjo avtoriteto. Po drugi strani pa nam narava ponuja primere organiza­cij živih bitij, ki so učinkovite in delajo brez nadzora, brez vodij in navodil, pa vendarle vsak del organizacije točno ve, kaj mora delati. In predvsem to nas je v tem članku zanimalo; kako je to možno, da narava oz. živalski svet delu­je brez vodij in nadzora, a kljub temu preživi v svetu velike naravne selekcije.

Navajamo nekaj načinov, kako lahko bionika izboljša organizacijske struk­ture podjetja Dorssen.

Prva je uporaba bioloških omrežij za oblikovanje organizacijskih struktur. Pri oblikovanju organizacijske strukture podjetja Dorssen smo uporabili podo­ben pristop, kjer se organizacija prilagaja spremembam v okolju. Prav tako uporaba naravnih materialov za delo, kot so les, kamni, rastline itd., izboljša delovno okolje in spodbuja kreativnost in produktivnost zaposlenih. Upora­ba naravnih oblik pri oblikovanju prostorov za delo, kot so krogi, spiralne ob­like in valovite linije, izboljšajo vizualno estetiko in ustvarijo bolj naravno de­lovno okolje. Uporaba bioloških procesov za izboljšanje učinkovitosti delova­nja podjetja, kot so procesi fotosinteze ali biološkega kroga, služijo kot mo­deli za izboljšanje učinkovitosti poslovnih procesov, kot so proizvodnja, do­bava in upravljanje zalog. Prav tako uporaba pristopa »od spodaj navzgor«: podobno kot v naravi, kjer so manjše enote odgovorne za delovanje celotne­ga sistema, podjetje izboljša svojo organizacijsko strukturo tako, da daje več­jo odgovornost manjšim delovnim skupinam. To spodbuja inovativnost in samostojnost vseh zaposlenih. Vodstvo podjetja Dorssen je vzor svojim za­poslenim s svojim ravnanjem in odločitvami. S tem pritegnemo spoštovanje in zaupanje zaposlenih ter ustvarjamo pozitivno delovno okolje.

Metode, ki jih živa bitja uporabljajo za osvajanje novega življenjskega okolja z razvojem novih sposobnosti, lahko v človeški družbi postanejo vzor za iz­gradnjo doslednega in dinamičnega strokovnega znanja za inovacije v pod­jetjih. Že vrsto let potekajo proučevanja učinkovitost in delovne učinkovito­sti žuželk, kot so mravlje in čebele. V članku smo se tako osredotočili na fasci­nantni svet in življenje mravelj.

Abstract: In the past, traditional organizations were based on a hierarchy and decision-making was in the hands of those who were ranked higher on a hierarchical scale. As a result of globalization and a changing environment, modern organizations nowadays face several different situations, and there­fore they become much more flattened. In every organization, it is most im­portant to know who a decision-maker is and who has the highest authori­ty. On the other hand, nature offers examples of organizations of other living beings that are effective and work without control, without leaders or instru­ctions, yet everyone in this organization knows what to do. Our main interest in this article was how is it possible that nature and the animal world survi­ve without leadership and control, yet they still survive in the world of great natural selection.

Here are some ways in which bionics can be used to improve the organizati­onal structure of the Dorssen company:

  • Using biological networks to design organizational structures: Similar to how organisms adapt to changes in their environment, the Dorssen com­pany can use a similar approach to design its organizational structure.
  • Using natural materials for work, such as wood, stones, plants, etc., can improve the work environment and promote creativity and productivity among employees.
  • Using natural forms in the design of workspaces, such as circles, spirals, and curvy lines can improve the visual aesthetics and create a more na­tural work environment.
  • Using biological processes to improve the efficiency of company opera­tions, such as photosynthesis or the biological cycle can serve as models for improving the efficiency of business processes, such as production, supply, and inventory management.
  • Using a “bottom-up” approach: Similar to how smaller units are respon­sible for the functioning of the entire system in nature, the Dorssen com­pany can improve its organizational structure by giving more responsibi­lity to smaller working groups. This promotes innovation and indepen­dence among all employees.

The leadership of the Dorssen company sets an example for its employees with its actions and decisions. This fosters respect and trust among employe­es and creates a positive work environment.

The methods used by living beings to conquer a new living environment by developing new abilities can become a model in human society to build a consistent and dynamic expertise for innovation in enterprises. For many years, the study has been studying the efficiency and working efficiency of insects such as ants and bees. In this article, we focused on the fascinating world and the life of the ants

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7th International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2023 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Ljubljana, Slovenia, March 23, 2023, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-80194-69-1, ISSN 2683-4510, DOI:

Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 License ( which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission. 

Suggested citation
Harb, R., Harb, M., & Harb, D. (2023). Rešitve iz narave kot izziv in priložnost za podjetje Dorssen. In V. Bevanda (Ed.), International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2023: Vol 7. Conference Proceedings (pp. 417-426). Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans.


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