Koviljka Banjević – ATSSB, Department of Belgrade Polytechnic, Katarine Ambrozić 3, Belgrade, Serbia
Dragana Gardašević – ATSSB, Department of Belgrade Polytechnic, Katarine Ambrozić 3, Belgrade, Serbia
Physical health;
Mental health;
Pay gap;
Equal opportunities;
Abstract: Quality of employment is a multidimensional concept with multiple importance. Its meaning and components may be varied and depend on an evaluator. The literature abounds with examples of different indicators for measuring the quality of employment, but the authors use the indicators developed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe for this paper. The authors` main idea is to investigate all indicators of quality of employment, but the study would be large in scope. Regarding the previous, in this paper focus is on the indicators of one dimension – Safety and ethics at work. Data were collected from national and European sources, and by applying descriptive statistics actual situation in Serbia is systematically presented. Obtained data could be interesting for employees, employers, and individuals, as well as for present and future research.

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