New Information Technologies to Support the Development of the Circular Economy in the Framework of Industry 5.0
Sandra Lovrenčić – University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Pavlinska 2, Varaždin, Croatia
Iva Gregurec – University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Pavlinska 2, Varaždin, Croatia
Ključne riječi:
Umjetna inteligencija;
Kružna ekonomija;
Industrija 5.0;
Artificial intelligence;
Circular economy;
Industry 5.0;
Sažetak: Potreba za očuvanjem resursa za buduće generacije pokrenula je koncept industrije 5.0, a u sklopu njega naglašena je i kružna (cirkularna) ekonomija kao jedan od ključnih elemenata ostvarivanja održivosti. Industrija 4.0 naglasak stavlja na digitalizaciju i tehnologije umjetne inteligencije, dok industrija 5.0 u središte stavlja čovjekocentrično poslovanje, održivost i otpornost. No, uloga informacijske tehnologije u postizanju tih ciljeva je neosporna, i to kao podrška promjeni koja je nužna u poslovnim modelima organizacija. U radu se istražuje uloga novih informacijskih tehnologija u ostvarivanju kružne ekonomije, s fokusom na ulogu umjetne inteligencije. Analizirani su glavni smjerovi istraživanja vezani uz informacijsku tehnologiju i kružnu ekonomiju te su identificirana najvažnija područja umjetne inteligencije koja mogu koristiti razvoju kružne ekonomije. Također, razmotreni su načini na koje umjetna inteligencija može potpomognuti promjenu u organizacijama prema kružnoj ekonomiji, osiguravajući održivost u okviru razvoja industrije 5.0.
Abstract: The need to preserve resources for future generations initiated the concept of Industry 5.0, and as part of it, the circular economy was emphasized as one of the key elements of achieving sustainability. Industry 4.0 emphasizes digitization and artificial intelligence technologies, while Industry 5.0 focuses on human-centered business, sustainability and resilience. However, the role of information technology in achieving these goals is indisputable, as support for the change that is necessary in the business models of organizations. The paper examines the role of new information technologies in realizing the circular economy, with a focus on the role of artificial intelligence. The main directions of research related to information technology and the circular economy were analyzed and the most important areas of artificial intelligence that could benefit the development of the circular economy were identified. Also, how artificial intelligence can support the change in organizations towards a circular economy, ensuring sustainability within the development of Industry 5.0, is discussed.

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7th International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2023 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Ljubljana, Slovenia, March 23, 2023, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-80194-69-1, ISSN 2683-4510, DOI:
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