Student-Centered Teaching

Jasmina Kurpejović – International University of Novi Pazar, Serbia
Marinko Savić –
International University of Novi Pazar, Serbia
Ibro Skenderović –
International University of Novi Pazar, Serbia
Suada Aljković Kadrić –
International University of Novi Pazar, Serbia

Ključne riječi:
Aktivna nastava;

Active teaching;


Sažetak: Vaspitno-obrazovni sistem koji se temelji na zadacima koji se re­alizuju na didaktički oblikovanim sadržajima, kroz raznovrsne oblike i po­moću različitih sredstava i društveno određenim ciljevima naziva se nastava. Planski organizovan vaspitno – obrazovni sistem kojim se nastavnik rukovo­di da pomogne učenicima da se razvijaju kao ličnosti, stiču nove navike, zna­nje i vještine. Nastava se ne ograničava na jedan dan, sedmicu ili mjesec, ona uvijek traje duži vremenski period zato što je ona procesualna aktivnost, dok polaznici ili učenici ne postignu ciljeve postavljene nastavnim programom. Ona je neophodna da bi se pokazao osnovni sadržaj te aktivnosti. Ona i vas­pitava i obrazuje učesnike ili polaznike. Ako se ona svede samo na vaspitni ili ipak samo na obrazovni aspekt to je pogrešno, takvih pokušaja je bilo dosta ali nijesu bili uspješni već pogrešni. Aktivna nastava je savremeni oblik nasta­ve koja se uspješno primjenjuje u savremenim školama.

Abstract: An educational system that is based on tasks that are imple­mented on didactically shaped content, through various forms and with the help of different means and socially determined goals, is called teaching. A planned educational system, which is managed by the teacher to help stu­dents develop personalities, and acquire new habits, knowledge and skills. Teaching is not limited to one day, week, or month, it always lasts for a longer period because it is a procedural activity until the participants or stu­dents achieve the goals set by the curriculum. It is necessary to show the ba­sic content of that activity. It educates the participants or trainees. If it is re­duced only to the upbringing aspect, or even only to the educational aspect, it is wrong, there were many such attempts, but they were not successful, but wrong. Active teaching is a modern form of teaching that is successfully applied in modern schools.

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7th International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2023 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Ljubljana, Slovenia, March 23, 2023, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-80194-69-1, ISSN 2683-4510, DOI:

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Suggested citation
Kurpejović, J., Savić, M., Skenderović, I., & Aljković Kadrić, S. (2023). Nastava usmjerena na učenika. In V. Bevanda (Ed.), International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2023: Vol 7. Conference Proceedings (pp. 411-416). Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans.


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