Dr. Jehan Murugadhas – IT Department at University of Technology and Appliedย Sciences-Nizwa, Sultanate of Oman
He received his doctorate from the Bharathiarย University, India in 2015. He has Master of Philosophy from Manonmaniam Sundaranarย University. Also, received his master degrees from Bharathidasan University andย Bharathiar University. His PhD Dissertation focused on the congestion control in theย Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. For the last nearly a decade, he has researched theย Empowerments of Human Life with Internet of Things (IoT), Disaster Recovery and Riskย Management.
Dr. Jehan, has over 20 years-experience in teaching and research in India and Sultanateย of Oman. Prior to joining University of Technology and Applied Sciences – Nizwa, he wasย working as an Associate Professor of Computer Applications Department at D.J.ย Academy for Managerial Excellence, India. He was also a Head-Department of Computerย Applications for the 4 Years at VLBJCAS, India.
In addition to his academic, Dr. Jehan served as a Youth Red Cross (YRC) Officer atย college level. Also, research panel member to evaluate the doctorate dissertation forย various Universities. He served as a supervisor of various research projects andย Technical advisory committee member for National & International Conferences.
Dr. Jehan has been invited to deliver his expertise in various international Webinars,ย Seminars and Conferences.