Fitness as a Sports Tourism Niche in the European Union with a Reference to the Republic of Croatia
Andreja Rudančić – Libertas međunarodno sveučilište Zagreb, Hrvatska
Mirna Šoštar – FIT MODUS, obrt za poduku, rekreaciju i njegu tijela, Zagreb, Hrvatska
Sandra Šokčević – Libertas međunarodno sveučilište Zagreb, Hrvatska
Ključne riječi:
Sportski turizam;
Europska unija;
Republika Hrvatska
Sports tourism;
European Union;
Republic of Croatia
Sažetak: U suvremenoj turističkoj ponudi se na fenomen fitnessa gleda kao na rekreaciju u funkciji očuvanja i obnove zdravlja pojedinaca i skupina te povećanja kvalitete njihova života. U radu se analiziraju navike stanovnika Europske unije po pitanjima dokolice i tjelesnih aktivnosti u smislu održavanja dobrog fizičkog stanja organizma i zdravstvene dobrobiti. Svrha rada je istražiti i argumentirano obrazložiti značaj fitnesa kao niše sportskog turizma u Europskoj uniji s osvrtom na Republiku Hrvatsku sa aspekta rekreacije u sklopu sportskog turizma te wellnessa kao sastavnice zdravstvenog turizma. Prilikom analiziranja teme korišteni su relevantni podaci primarnih istraživanja Eurobarometra Europske unije te su dovedeni u usporedbu sa rezultatima istraživanja Instituta za turizam Republike Hrvatske. Generalni je zaključak da je hrvatski prosjek zastupljenosti fitnesa kao aktivnosti slobodnog vremena puno manji u odnosu na europski prosjek.
Abstract: In the modern tourist offer, the phenomenon of fitness is seen as recreation in the function of preserving and restoring the health of individuals and groups and increasing the quality of their life. The paper analyzes the habits of the inhabitants of the European Union in terms of leisure and physical activities to maintain a good physical condition of the organism and health well-being. The purpose of the work is to investigate and argue the importance of fitness as a niche of sports tourism in the European Union regarding the Republic of Croatia from the aspect of recreation as part of sports tourism and wellness as a component of health tourism. When analyzing the topic, relevant data from the primary surveys of the Eurobarometer of the European Union were used and compared with the results of the research of the Institute for Tourism of the Republic of Croatia. The general conclusion is that the Croatian average representation of fitness as a leisure activity is much lower compared to the European average

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7th International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2023 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Ljubljana, Slovenia, March 23, 2023, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-80194-69-1, ISSN 2683-4510, DOI:
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