
Faik Bilgili received his BA, MA, and Ph.D. degrees in Economics from Dokuz Eylül University (Izmir, 1986), Hacettepe University (Ankara, 1989), and, the City University of New York, Graduate Center (NY, 1997), respectively.

He taught statistics, microeconomics, and macroeconomics at Queens College (Queens), Wagner College (SI), and New York City College of Technology (Brooklyn). Dr. Bilgili has been teaching econometrics (MA, Ph.D.), microeconomics (BA, MA, Ph.D.), and macroeconomics (BA) at Erciyes University, FEAS (Kayseri).

His research interests are (i) Macroeconomics: Models, business cycles, natural resources, employment, growth, steady-state, stochastic dynamic general equilibrium, (ii) Energy: Energy efficiency, oil, natural gas, biomass, biofuels, biodiesels, hydrogen, hydropower, solar, geothermal, wind, shale gas, (iii) Environment: Global warming, climate change, pollution, CO2 emission, Energy economics and policy (iv) Time series & panel data: Linear-nonlinear programming, modeling, convergence, cointegration, and structural breaks, estimation, forecasting, (v) Statistics & mathematics: Software and data mining, probability density functions, continuous and discontinuous functions, threshold regime-switching, Markov regime-switching, wavelet coherence, and, simulation.

He is the author/co-author of more than 50 articles, author/supervisor of 20 projects, and author/co-author of 14 books/chapters in the field of economic modeling, convergence, optimization, energy, and environment.

He received scholarships from the Higher Education Council of Turkey and New York City College of Technology and several research-awards/grants from The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) and Erciyes University.

Bilgili is Associate Editor for Environmental Economics and Management (Frontiers in Environmental Science) and editorial board member of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier), and Environmental and Sustainability Indicators (Elsevier).

He is also an editorial board member of Statistics of Ukraine (State Statistics Service of Ukraine), Scientific Bulletin of Polissia (NVP), International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, and International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues (EconJournals).

Bilgili has completed more than 650 reviewer assignments of Elsevier, Francis & Taylor, Springer, Wiley, and, SAGE journals since 2011.

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