Majlinda Godolja – University of Tirana, Faculty of Economy, Street Arben Brozi, 1001, Tirana, Albania

Laureta Domi – University of Tirana, Faculty of Economy, Street Arben Brozi, 1001, Tirana, Albania

Artificial intelligence in
AI in financial services;
Machine learning in banking


Abstract: The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the banking sector has revolutionized how financial institutions operate, interact with customers, and manage risks. This systematic literature review exยญplores the evolution of AI applications in banking, highlighting technoยญlogical advancements, implementation challenges, and future direcยญtions. By analyzing research from the past decade, this review provides insights into how AI technologies have transformed banking operations, customer service, and financial products.

The banking sector has witnessed significant transformations due to AI, with innovations aimed at enhancing efficiency, customer experience, and security. The introduction of AI in banking is not just a recent pheยญnomenon but a continuous evolution that has accelerated in the past decade, influenced by advancements in machine learning, natural lanยญguage processing, and data analytics technologies.

The evolution of AI in the banking sector is a testament to the transforยญmative potential of technology in finance. While challenges remain, the ongoing advancements in AI promise a future where banking is more efยญficient, secure, and customer-centric. The continued research and develยญopment in AI technologies will be crucial in shaping the next generation of banking services.

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8th International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2024 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Rome, Italy, March 21, 2024, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-80194-83-7, ISSN 2683-4510, DOI:

Creative Commons Nonย Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 License ( which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission.ย 

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Godolja, M., & Domi, L. (2024). Evolution of Artificial Intelligence in the Banking Sector: A Systematic Literature Review. In C. A. Nastase, A. Monda, & R. Dias (Eds.), International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2024: Vol 8. Conference Proceedings (pp. 131-139). Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans.


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