Petr Štumpf – Faculty of Management, Prague University of Economics and Business, Jarošovská 1117/II, 377 01 Jindřichův
Hradec, Czech Republic
Jitka Mattyašovská – Faculty of Management, Prague University of Economics and Business, Jarošovská 1117/II, 377 01 Jindřichův
Hradec, Czech Republic
Adriana Šťastná – Faculty of Management, Prague University of Economics and Business, Jarošovská 1117/II, 377 01 Jindřichův
Hradec, Czech Republic


5th International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2021 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Online/Virtual, March 18, 2021, SELECTED PAPERS published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-80194-44-8, ISSN 2683-4510


A tourism destination is defined as an open, complex and adaptive system in which numerous
relations in the economic, social and environmental spheres are generated. This paper aims to define
a conceptual model of tourism destination management as a complex system and to identify the role of
entrepreneurs as key stakeholder in a tourism destination. The main methodological approaches were
systems thinking and system dynamics. A Causal Loops Diagram (CLD) enabled to cover the complexity
of the tourism system and to identify relations among a number of stakeholders and elements in a
tourism destination. The authors identified crucial elements of the entrepreneur sub-system involved in
a high number of causal loops to establish the importance of entrepreneurs in the destination management
system. Profits of individual entrepreneurs and the occupancy of hospitality and tourism services
represent the model’s most frequent variables from the entrepreneurs’ perspective.


Destination management, System dynamics, Systems thinking, Causal loop diagram.


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