Andreja Rudančić – Libertas međunarodno sveučilište, Libertas International University, Trg J. F. Kennedy 6b, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Sandra Šokčević – Libertas međunarodno sveučilište, Libertas International University, Trg J. F. Kennedy 6b, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Anamarija Jagičić – Libertas međunarodno sveučilište, Libertas International University, Trg J. F. Kennedy 6b, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia


4th International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2020 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Online/Virtual, September 3, 2020, SELECTED PAPERS published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-80194-31-8, ISSN 2683-4510


Knowledge of the tourist supply, as well as all its elements and stakeholders, is crucial for managing
the tourist supply, and therefore for maintaining the attractiveness and competitiveness of the tourist
destination. The town of Novigrad is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Istria, which is constantly
recording the growth in tourism turnover, which is made possible by constant investments in tourist supply,
preservation of tradition, gastronomic offer and hospitality of the local population. In the purpose of the
scientific value of the paper, the authors have conducted empirical research using a questionnaire, in which
they explore the elements of the tourism supply and the level of satisfaction of tourists with the tourist offer of
Novigrad. The results of the study are presented in tables and graphs followed by interpretation of the results
in the form of accompanying text with the main findings and characteristics of the research. The synthesis of
the results, findings and conclusions of this research will be used to formulate certain critical recommendations
and valuable guidelines for improving the tourist offer in the tourist destination Novigrad.


Tourist supply, Management tourist destination, City of Novigrad- Istria


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