Aleksander Janeš
University of Primorska, Faculty of Management, Cankarjeva 5, Koper, Slovenia
Rajko Novak
MRR d.o.o., Vitovlje 88 A, 5261 Šempas, Slovenia
Armand Faganel
University of Primorska, Faculty of Management, Cankarjeva 5, Koper, Slovenia


3rd International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2019 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Ljubljana – Slovenia, March 28, 2019, SELECTED PAPERS published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; Faculty of Management Koper, Slovenia; Doba Business School – Maribor, Slovenia; Integrated Business Faculty –  Skopje, Macedonia; Faculty of Management – Zajecar, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-80194-19-6, ISSN 2683-4510


The purpose of this paper is to represent practical approach on the empirically evaluated business process orientation (BPO) of the Slovenian power supply business. Within the empirical investigation, the level of BPO maturity was measured in the 19 organizations of the power supply business. The survey was focused on the top, middle and lower managers. As a measuring instrument, a questionnaire for the extended concept of process orientation with nine elements was used. The results of the BPO measurement shows that, despite this long-standing preoccupation with processes, certified management system and the computerization of operations, process maturity is not very high. Results suggested the opportunities for improvement, particularly for better use and exploit of information technology. Presented research is the first one which considers the BPO maturity in the Slovenian power supply business and therefore contributes to understanding of the ‘soft or intangible factors’ which have impact on the introduction, implementation and maintenance of Business process management (BPM). As a result, it is found that contemporary literature acknowledges the importance of business process (BP), BPM and BPO maturity of the organization. Therefore, scope of used terminology comprises; BP is included by BPM, which is further embraced by BPO. This research makes significant contributions to the literature and above all to scholars and practitioners who work professionally in this field and will find useful guidance for a better understanding of applying BPO and suitable maturity models in different industries.


Business process management (BPM), Business Process Orientation Maturity Model (BPOMM), Business process orientation (BPO), Business process reengineering (BPR), Process maturity


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