Matej Barbo– Faculty of Information Studies, Ljubljanska cesta 31A, Novo mesto, Slovenia
Blaž Rodič – Faculty of Information Studies, Ljubljanska cesta 31A, Novo mesto, Slovenia


5th International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2021 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Online/Virtual, March 18, 2021, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-80194-43-1, ISSN 2683-4510


V tem prispevku predstavljamo ugotovitve raziskave o sistemih za opozarjanje na trke in
njihov vpliv na varnost v prometu ter predstavljamo MEBWS – opozorilni sistem za zaviranje v sili za
motoriste, patentirano inovacijo, razvito na Fakulteti za informacijske študije v Novem mestu. MEBWS
analizira gibanje motornega kolesa v realnem času s pomočjo merilnika pospeška, merjenja hitrosti
z GPS ter z LIDAR-jem spremlja zasledujoča vozila. Po zaznavi nevarne situacije MEBWS z vklopom
avtonomnega utripajočega LED svetila vozila za motornim kolesom opozori na nevarnost naleta. V
okviru raziskave razvijamo simulacijski model, ki nam bo omogočil oceniti vpliv MEBWS na varnost
prometa v velikih prometnih sistemih in njegov prispevek k cilju Evropske unije “Vision Zero” – zmanjšati
število smrtnih žrtev na cestah na skoraj nič do leta 2050.

Ključne besede:

Prometna varnost, Prometne nesreče, Motorno kolo, Pomoč pri zaviranju, Aktivna varnost.


In this paper we present research findings on collision warning systems and their influence
on traffic safety, and present MEBWS – Motorcycle Emergency Braking Warning System, a patented
innovation developed at the Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto. MEBWS analyses motorcycle
movement in real-time using an accelerometer and GPS speed measurement and monitors the following
vehicles using a LIDAR. In case a dangerous situation is detected, the MEBWS alerts vehicles behind
the motorcycle with an autonomous flashing LED. Furthermore, we are developing a simulation model
that will allow us to gauge the influence of MEBWS on traffic safety in large traffic systems and its contribution
to the European Union’s goal “Vision Zero” – to reduce road deaths to almost zero by 2050.


Traffic safety, Traffic accidents, Motorcycle, Braking aids, Active safety.


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