

Jelena Franjković – Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Trg Ljudevita Gaja 7, 31000
Osijek, Croatia

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31410/EMAN.2021.467

5th International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2021 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Online/Virtual, March 18, 2021, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-80194-43-1, ISSN 2683-4510


Imidž maloprodajnog branda i cjenovni imidž maloprodavača od značajne su važnosti za postizanje
konkurentske prednosti i dugotrajno jačanje cjelokupnog imidža. Slogani maloprodavača trebali
bi odražavati njihovu sveukupnu strategiju te olakšati i učvrstiti željeno pozicioniranje u svijesti kupaca,
tj. potrošača. Rad proučava maloprodavače pretežito prehrambenim proizvodima, tj. visoko obrtajnim
proizvodima. Maloprodavačima koji prodaju proizvode različitih brandova teže je upravljati i kontrolirati
pozicioniranje vlastitog branda, a u tome značajnu ulogu ima i cjenovni imidž. Cilj rada je istražiti i
usporediti percepciju potrošača o sloganima maloprodavača i njihovom cjenovnom imidžu. Provedeno je
primarno istraživanje čiji su ispitanici bile osobe koje sudjeluju u kupovini namirnica za svoje kućanstvo,
a obuhvaćeno je vodećih pet maloprodavača na hrvatskom tržištu. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako
slogan maloprodavača može imati važnu ulogu u uspješnom upravljanju cjenovnim imidžem. Zabilježena
je usklađenost percepcije cjenovnog imidža maloprodavača od strane ispitanika s asocijacijama njhovih
slogana na razinu cijena. Konačno, zaključuje se kako usklađenost svih elemenata maloprodajnog marketinškog
spleta olakšava i učvršćuje željeno pozicioniranje u svijesti potrošača, pa tako i cjenovnog imidža.

Ključne riječi:

Maloprodajni brand, Percepcija potrošača, Slogan, Cjenovni imidž.


The image of the retail brand and the price image of the retailer are of significant importance
for achieving a competitive advantage and long-term strengthening of the overall image. Retailers’ slogans
should reflect their overall strategy and facilitate and consolidate the desired positioning in the minds of
customers, ie consumers. The paper studies retailers with predominantly food products, i.e., high-turnover
products. Retailers who sell products of different brands find it more difficult to manage and control the
positioning of their brand, and the price image also plays a significant role in this. This paper aims to investigate
and compare consumer perception of retailers’ slogans and their price image. A primary survey
was conducted with persons participating in the purchase of groceries for their household and included
the top five retailers in the Croatian market. The results showed that the slogan of retailers can play an
important role in the successful management of the price image. The compliance of the perception of the
price image of retailers by the respondents with the associations of their slogans to the price level was
noted. Finally, it is concluded that the harmonization of all elements of the retail marketing mix facilitates
and strengthens the desired positioning in the minds of consumers, and thus the price image.


Retail brand, Consumer perception, Slogan, Price image.


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