Anton Vorina – Ekonomska šola Celje Višja strokovna šola, Mariborska 2, 3000 Celje, Slovenija

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31410/EMAN.2020.499

4th International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2020 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Online/Virtual, September 3, 2020, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-80194-30-1, ISSN 2683-4510


Prispevek prikazuje raziskavo o pridobljenih kompetencah študentov na Ekonomski šoli
Celje, Višji strokovni šoli. Vzorec predstavlja 20 študentov, ki so končali študij na višji strokovni šoli v
zadnjih 5 letih v programu Ekonomist, Organizator socialne mreže in Varovanje. Namen prispevka je
prikazati, katere kompetence so študentje na šoli pridobili bolj za opravljanje dela v službi in katere
manj. Ugotavljamo, da so študentje najmanj kompetenc pridobili na področjih “Znanje tujih jezikov”,
“Inovativnost” ter “Odločanje”. So pa študentje ocenili, da so največ kompetenc dobili na področjih
“Sposobnost vrednotenja lastnega dela”, Sposobnost učenja” ter “Socialne spretnosti” kot so spretnost
vzpostavljanja in dobrih medsebojnih odnosov v delovnem okolju, uspešnega komuniciranja, reševanja
konfliktov. Študentje si želijo, da bi pridobili še več znanja s področja tujih jezikov.

Ključne besede:

Kakovost, Šola, Kompetenca, Študent.


The paper presents a research about acquired competences of students at the Celje School
of Economics, Vocational College. The sample represents 20 students who finished their studies at a vocational
college within last 5 years in the program Economist, Social Network Organizer and Security.
The purpose of the paper is to show which competences students have gained more in school for their
work and less as well. We found out that students have acquired the least competencies in the fields of
„Foreign language skills”, „Innovation” and „Decision making”. However, the students assessed that
they gained the most competences in the fields of “Ability to value their own work”, Ability to learn”
and “Social skills” such as the ability to establish and have good relationships in the work environment,
successful communication, and conflict resolution. Students are wishing to gain even more foreign
language skills.


Quality, School, Competence, Student.


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