Ana Živković – Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Trg Ljudevita Gaja 7, 31000
Osijek, Croatia


4th International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2020 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Online/Virtual, September 3, 2020, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-80194-30-1, ISSN 2683-4510


Okrutnost tržišta radne snage nameće uvjete u kojima se individualne razlike sve više zatomljuju
pa organizacijski aspekti više dolaze do izražaja kao važni uzročnici fluktuacije zaposlenika. Unatoč tome,
nemoguće ih je preskočiti jer ono što motivira jednoga zaposlenika, u potpunosti suprotno može djelovati
na drugoga zaposlenika pa je individualan pristup u upravljanju fluktuacijom neizbježan. To je puno lakše
reći, nego napraviti, posebno u velikim organizacijama, no postojanje razvijene politike upravljanja ljudskim
potencijalima može svesti stopu fluktuacije na minimalnu ili poželjnu razinu. Budući da je namjera
fluktuiranja neposredni prethodnik same fluktuacije, organizacije trebaju istražiti čimbenike koji dovode do
te namjere, a koji su mnogobrojni i raznovrsni, kao i ponašanja koja prethode fluktuaciji. Kako je fluktuacija
multidmenzionalna pojava, ona se tako nikako ne smije promatrati van vremena i konteksta u kojem se
pojavljuje, pa je nužno uzeti u obzir i vanjske čimbenike pri proučavanju mogućih odlazaka iz organizacije.

Ključne riječi:

Organizacijsko ponašanje, Upravljanje ljudskim potencijalima.


The cruelty on the labor market imposes conditions in which individual differences are increasingly
dimmed, so organizational aspects are becoming more prominent as important causes of employee
turnover. Nevertheless, it is impossible to skip individual differences because what motivates one employee
can affect differently another employee, so an individual approach in managing employee turnover is inevitable.
This is much easier said than done, especially in large organizations, but developed HRM policy can
reduce the turnover rate to a minimum or desirable level. Because the turnover intention is an immediate
antecedent to turnover behavior itself, organizations need to explore the factors that lead to that intention,
which are many and varied, as well as the behaviors that precede actual turnover. As employee turnover
is a multidimensional phenomenon, it must by no means be viewed outside the time and context in which it
occurs, and it is, therefore, necessary to consider external factors when evaluating and predicting possible
exits from the organization.


Organizational behavior, Human resources management..


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