Gordana Mušura – Fakultet za biznis i turizam, Akademija znanja, Budva, Crna Gora


4th International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2020 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Online/Virtual, September 3, 2020, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-80194-30-1, ISSN 2683-4510


U radu se razmatra značaj interkulturne kompetencije u sferi obrazovanja, biznisa i preduzetništva
budući da interkulturna komunikacija postaje sve uobičajeniji vid interakcije među ljudima u
savremenom globalizovanom svetu. Da bi se izbegli nesporazumi i konflikti u međusobnim kontaktima
ljudi koji pripadaju različitim etničkim, kulturnim i religioznim miljejima, potrebno je da se oni postepeno
senzibilizuju na takve nove interkulturne susrete i osposobe da rešavaju i nadvladaju problemske
situacije koje bi se eventualno mogle pojaviti. Stoga se u radu posebno ističe važnost uvođenja interkulturnog
pristupa u nastavi u što ranijem uzrastu učenika jer se time oni postepeno uvode u sferu
interkulturnog poimanja stvarnosti i sveta oko sebe. Kroz interkulturno obrazovanje oni će razvijati
svoju kulturnu osvešćenost i kritičku svest, što se smatra osnovnim postulatima sticanja interkulturne
kompetencije. Ova kompetencija će im omogućiti da u svojoj budućnosti postanu interkulturni medijatori
i posrednici u raznim vidovima međunarodne komunikacije, kao i u interkulturnom menadžmentu
u biznisu i preduzetništvu. Nadalje, stečena interkulturna kompetencija će doprineti da oni kroz
svoj budući profesionalni angažman postanu interkulturno efikasne osobe, sposobne da komuniciraju i
uspešno posluju na globalnom ekonomskom planu.

Ključne reči:

Interkulturna komunikacija, Interkulturni pristup u nastavi i obrazovanju, Interkulturni
medijator, Interkulturno efikasna osoba.


The importance of intercultural competence in the field of education, business and entrepreneurship
is discussed in the paper as intercultural communication is becoming an increasingly common
form of interaction among people in the modern globalized world. In order to avoid misunderstandings
and conflicts in the mutual contacts of people belonging to different ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds,
it is necessary to gradually sensitize them to such new intercultural encounters and to be able
to resolve and overcome problematic situations that might arise. Therefore, the paper emphasizes the
importance of introducing an intercultural approach to teaching at the earliest possible age of students,
as this gradually introduces them to the sphere of intercultural understanding of reality and the world
around them. Through intercultural education, they will develop their cultural and critical awareness,
which are considered the basic postulates of acquiring intercultural competence. This competence will
enable them in their future to become intercultural mediators in various forms of international communication,
as well as in intercultural management in business and entrepreneurship. Furthermore,
the acquired intercultural competence will help them to become interculturally effective individuals
through their future professional engagement, able to communicate and successfully operate in the
global economic field.


Intercultural communication, Intercultural approach in teaching and education, Intercultural
mediator, Interculturally effective person.


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