
Jarmila Vidová – Faculty of National Economy, Department of Economic Policy, University of Economics; Dolnozemská cesta
1, 851 04 Bratislava, Slovak Republic

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31410/EMAN.2020.279

4th International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2020 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Online/Virtual, September 3, 2020, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-80194-30-1, ISSN 2683-4510


Growing the proportion of older people requires adapting services and products to their needs
and preferences, which will support and extend their full life. While once people aged 55 and over considered
themselves old, most of them now live an active life. Over the past decade, the proportion of those
who are fully employed has changed and their stereotypes and behaviour have increased, thus changing
the quality of life demands. With the gradual aging of the population, the problem of dealing with the
housing of older people begins to grow. Housing is one of the key factors in the fight against social exclusion.
Housing promotes coherence between communities, enabling sustainable development goals to be
achieved. Each state uses its own housing policy, based on social policy and historical conditions, to solve
housing-related problems. In the paper we will discuss the possibilities of life in retirement age.


Housing policy, Rental housing, Seniors, Shared housing, Quality of life.


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