Elisabetta Venezia, Ph.D., researcher and senior lecturer in Applied Economics at the University of Bari Aldo Moro, Department of Economics and Finance.
She teaches Economic Evaluation of Investments, Transport Economics, and Economics of Transport Mobility in UG and PG courses. Her research activity is mainly concentrated in the following topics: sustainable transport, economic evaluation of infrastructures and projects, costs and benefits analyses, equity in the transport sector services and infrastructures, travel behavior.
She took part to the evaluation process of the university system in a project coordinated by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OCSE).
She is author of more than 80 publications. She is coordinator/component of several research projects groups at national and international levels.
She is an active referee of several scientific journals. She has been a consultant of several Ministries and Local Authorities as a senior economist in the transport economics and sustainability fields.
She is an independent scientific expert for the scientific evaluation of the Italian research (REPRISE) for the Italian Ministry of Education and Scientific Research (MIUR). She is also component of the Italian Evaluation Body (O.I.V.).