Dr. Charikleia Karakosta is a Chemical Engineer of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). She holds a PhD in Decision Support Systems Promoting the Effective Technology Transfer within the frame of Climate Change from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and a MSc in Energy Production and Management from NTUA.

Her expertise focuses on energy and environmental multi-criteria decision-making and the design and development of related decision support systems for the assessment of developing countries’ energy service needs and priorities, and the assessment of renewable and energy efficiency technologies, in the aim of facilitating robust decision making towards sustainable development and technology transfer. She has participated in several national and EU research and consultancy projects (e.g. H2020, IEE, FP7, FP6 etc.) in the fields of energy-environmental and climate policy, energy planning and management, technology transfer and decision support.

She has published more than 165 scientific publications in prestigious international journals, announcements in international conferences and chapters in books. She has also served as guest editor for special issues, such as the Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, Utilities Policy, Energy & Environment and the International Journal of Energy Sector Management. For her work, she has received ECOPOLIS Award 2016 for young scientist’s research, awards by the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation, the State Scholarship Foundation (IKY) and the NTUA.

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