She is a Professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Extremadura (Spain). She has a background in applied economics, with a PhD in Economics and a Master in Economic Analysis (Spanish Institute of Fiscal Studies, Madrid). She teaches Microeconomics and Macroeconomics in the area of ​​Foundations of Economic Analysis at the Faculty of Economics and Business.

Her main research lines focus on the study of economics of innovation and evaluation of R&D public policies where she has several researches and national and international papers published in scientific journals. She has also published several teaching books and scientific book chapters and has participated in several national and international conferences. She has been the leader of a Spanish regional competitive project and have participated as collaborator in other Spanish competitive projects as well. Currently, she leads the research project funded by the Junta de Extremadura (Spain) and the European Fund of Regional Development entitled: “Innovation in Extremaduran agri-food companies: diagnosis for consulting and design of public policies”.

She has been a visiting professor in different universities of Italy, France, Portugal, Norway, Germany, Slovenia, Bolivia, Mexico, and Colombia.  

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