I.ย https://orcid.org/0000-0002-
Dr. Beata Zyznarska-Dworczak is an assistant professor at Accounting Department of Poznan University of Economics and Business in Poland.
She is a certified auditor – a member of Polish Chamber of Statutory Auditors. She is an ordinary member of the Polish Association of Accountants and also a member of the Polish Economic Society. She is a lecturer of subjects such as Financial Reporting, Advanced Financial Accounting and Financial Auditing. She is an author of more than 60 papers relating determinants for the development of accounting, corporate reporting and financial audit. Her current academic interests are: non-financial disclosures in corporate reporting and sustainability assurance.
II.ย https://scholar.google.pl/
The most important publications:
1) Zyznarska-Dworczak, B. (2018). The Development Perspectives of Sustainable Management Accounting in Central and Eastern European Countries. Sustainability, 10(5), s. 1-21. DOI: 10.3390/su10051445.
2) Zyznarska-Dworczak, B. (2018). Legitimacy Theory in Management Accounting Research. Problemy Zarzฤ dzania, 1(72), 195-203. DOI: 10.7172/1644-9584.72.12.
3) Zyznarska-Dworczak, B. (2018c). The Reliability of Integrated Reporting. Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocลawiu, 503, 494-502. DOI: 10.15611/pn.2018.503.44.
4) Zyznarska-Dworczak, B. (2018). A research note of potential scientific management accounting research area in CEECs. Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems, 17(2), 252 -265. DOI: 10.24818/jamis.2018.02004.
5) Fijaลkowska, J., Zyznarska-Dworczak, B. i Garsztka, P. (2018). Corporate social-environmental performance versus financial performance of banks in Central and Eastern European Countries. Sustainability, 10(3), 1-22. DOI: 10.3390/su10030772.
6) Zyznarska-Dworczak, B., (2017). Determinants for the Development of Non-Financial Reporting and its External Verification in the Light of Accounting Theory and Practice. Studia Oeconomica Posnaniensia, 5(6), 136-149. DOI: 10.18559/soep.2017.6.8
7) Fijaลkowska, J. i Zyznarska-Dworczak, B. (2017). Spoลeczna odpowiedzialnoลฤ biznesu a tworzenie wartoลci bankรณw. Zarzฤ dzanie i Finanse, 2(1), 107-119.
8) Fijaลkowska, J., Zyznarska-Dworczak, B. i Garsztka, P. (2017). The relation between the CSR and the accounting information system data in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries โ the evidence of the Polish financial institutions. Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems, 16(4), 490-521. DOI: 10.24818/jamis.2017.04004.
9) Zyznarska-Dworczak, B. (2016). Sustainable management accounting development perspectives in the light of alternative management accounting research, International Conference on Accounting, Finance and Financial Institutions. Theory Meets Practice, 40.