Demographic Structure of the European Union

Sandra Mrvica Mađarac – Veleučilište “Lavoslav Ružička” u Vukovaru, Županijska 50, Vukovar, Hrvatska

Svetlana Šibila – Hrvatski zavod za zdravstveno osiguranje, Ulica kralja Zvonimira 1B, Osijek, Hrvatska

Lana Gubić Kučan – Ugostiteljsko-turistička škola Osijek, Ulica M. Gupca 61, Osijek, Hrvatska

Ključne riječi:
Europska unija;
Demografska struktura;

European Union;
Demographic structure;


Sažetak: Europska unija se sastoji od 27 europskih država, a cilj joj je integraci­ja i jedinstveno tržište europskog kontinenta. Demografska struktura utječe na gospodarsko stanje države, a uzročno-posljedično i gospodarsko stanje države utječe na demografska kretanja.

Starenje stanovništva je efekt u razvijenim društvima, a nastao je kao posljedi­ca različitih čimbenika (zdravstvene i socijalne zaštite, smanjene stope fertilite­ta, urbanizacije, industrijalizacije). Usprkos smanjenju prirodnog rasta unutar Europske unije i starenju stanovništva ona prolazi kroz konstantan rast broja stanovnika zbog pozitivnog migracijskog salda. Za gospodarski razvoj države i razvoj njenog stanovništva je važna dobno-spolna struktura jer iz nje proizla­zi uravnoteženje muškog i ženskog stanovništva koje je važno za reprodukciju stanovništava i iz koje se formira radno sposobno stanovništvo.

U radu se navode i analiziraju podaci iz Eurostata o demografskoj strukturi sta­novništva Europske unije: dobni sastav, spolni sastav, prirodni demografski fak­tori, obrazovna struktura stanovništva.

Abstract: The European Union consists of 27 European countries, and its goal is the integration and single market of the European continent. The demo­graphic structure affects the economic condition of a state, and the econom­ic condition of the state also affects demographic trends as a cause and effect.

The aging of the population is an effect in developed societies, and it arose as a result of various factors (health and social protection, reduced fertility rates, urbanization, industrialization). Despite the decrease in natural growth with­in the European Union and the aging of the population, the EU is experiencing constant population growth due to a positive migration balance. The age-sex structure is important for the economic development of a country and the de­velopment of its population because it results from the balancing of the male and female population, which is important for the reproduction of the popula­tion and from which the working-age population is formed.

This paper presents and analyzes data from Eurostat on the demographic struc­ture of the population of the European Union: age composition, gender compo­sition, natural demographic factors, educational structure of the population.

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7th International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2023 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Ljubljana, Slovenia, March 23, 2023, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-80194-69-1, ISSN 2683-4510, DOI:

Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 License ( which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission. 

Suggested citation
Mrvica Mađarac, S., Šibila, S., & Gubić Kučan, L. (2023). Demografska struktura Europske Unije. In V. Bevanda (Ed.), International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2023: Vol 7. Conference Proceedings (pp. 341-345). Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans.


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