
Mária Szalmáné Csete
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Environmental Economics, 1111-Hungary Budapest Muegyetem Rkp 3​
​​​​​​DOI: https://doi.org/10.31410/EMAN.2018.615
2nd International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2018 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Ljubljana – Slovenia, March 22, 2018, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; Faculty of Management Koper, Slovenia; Doba Business School – Maribor, Slovenia; Integrated Business Faculty –  Skopje, Macedonia; Faculty of Management – Zajecar, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-80194-11-0


Social and economic processes have spatial and temporal dimensions, and in the implementation of sustainability in practice, this is compounded by the relationship with the natural environment. Information on the basic characteristics, an understanding of the situation and attitudes is necessary for the stakeholders to recognize synergies, and for the devised coherent strategy to work. The fields of climate change and sustainability in regional development are characterized by their spatial characteristics, a holistic approach, appearance in multiple dimensions (global, regional, local), and the need to account for relationships between the environment, society and the economy. Therefore, adaptation to climate change cannot be done in isolation, but rather in conjunction and harmony with the local initiatives and programs. Local level documents for adaptation, sustainability and strategic planning have numerous synergies and point towards sustainable urban development. In Hungary, the tools that serve the practical implementation of both sustainability and adaptation include the Local Agenda 21 Program, urban climate strategies and the Environmental Protection Program. Present evaluation is mainly focusing on the role of IoT (Internet of Things) solutions related to existing strategies and based on the main findings requires practical recommendations for local decision makers and other stakeholders. Adaptation to climate change is a collaborative undertaking, requiring cooperation on different levels of society, politics and governance. At present, the adaptation strategy is part of the climate strategy, and its objective is to increase resilience to expected impacts, by shifting the emphasis from prevention and control to learning to live with an ever-changing, and sometimes dangerous environment. The impacts of climate change hinder and complicate the transition toward sustainability in the preparation for expected impacts (human resources), prevention (increasing the site of green areas, action plans, stockpiling pharmaceuticals, etc.), management and recovery (after the impact has occurred, financial, technical, institutional, etc. conditions). Climate change can also have a fundamental influence on the local quality of life, income, health etc., which make up the basis for a livable settlement. The objective of a local adaptation strategy is to provide the socio-economic bedrock for a settlement that is livable, prevents risks, minimizes damage and is flexible in reacting to climate change. This is achieved by devising an innovative strategic framework that supports the transition towards sustainability. Nowadays, the different IoT solutions can play a pivotal role supporting sustainability and adaptation processes. Innovating for sustainability has a crucial role not only global but also on local level. There is a special need related to the monitoring of the practical implementation of sustainability especially considering the possible adaptation issues. Moreover to be able to accelerate progress on the UN Sustainable Development Goals it is also important to examine different projects. Those can be references for sustainability and adaptation processes considering IoT issues. This research is supported by the ÚNKP-17-4-III New National Excellence Program of the Ministry of Human Capacities.

Key words

sustainability, adaptation potential, IoT (Internet of Things), SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)


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