Zdeněk Fiala, Olga Sovova
Police Academy of the Czech Republic, Prague

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31410/EMAN.2019.141
3rd International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2019 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Ljubljana – Slovenia, March 28, 2019, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia; Faculty of Management Koper, Slovenia; Doba Business School – Maribor, Slovenia; Integrated Business Faculty –  Skopje, Macedonia; Faculty of Management – Zajecar, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-80194-17-2, ISSN 2683-4510


Since the 1970s, especially in the 1990s, an increased interest in management and implementation of its knowledge in the environment of its performance has been seen within progressive public administration reforms. The cause of penetration of managerial approaches to public administration management lies in limited possibilities of public finances, especially taking into account the tasks of the social state, structural economic changes and internationalisation of public affairs. The reform processes are, in particular, aimed at reducing the bureaucratic burden on public administration and the transformation of social politics in line with the economic possibilities of a particular country. Pressure on these processes in public administration is increasing, of course, even with regard to socio-demographic changes resulting in ageing population and an increase in social spending. Within the reform and modernisation processes in public administration, it is therefore primarily important that the authorities of state administration and self-governance are equipped with better tools and get freer power to effectively perform their tasks whilst fully maintaining their responsibilities. The paper focuses at
analysing the concept of good governance, respectively its individual determinants in particular time periods of social and legal development; it is also aimed at bringing to light the ideas of experts who have criticised the concept of the traditional model of public administration and who have emphasised the necessity to introduce management methods into public administration; on this basis it is focused on pointing out the relation of good governance and the modernisation of public administration.


public administration, management, governance, theories, principles.


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